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Opening hours

Monday - Tuesday - Thursday - Friday: 9H-16H
Wednesday morning
Saturday morning (1 time per month)



Session of 30' CHF 80 .-
Session of 60' CHF 150.-
Session of 90' CHF 225.-

Package of 5 sessions of 60' CHF 650.- instead of CHF 750.-

Package of 5 sessions of  90' CHF 990.- instead of  CHF 1'125.-

Possibility to offer GIFT VOUCHERS

Discount of CHF 30.-, for people on unemployment benefit, AI, AVS, or without additional insurance.

The appointment must be canceled 48 hours in advance.
In the event of late cancellation (less than 48 hours in advance), without news from you or in case of no show, the TOTALITY of the service will be invoiced to you.
Thank you for your understanding.

All sessions are to be paid in cash at the end of the session.

Refund according to your Supplementary Insurance (ASCA)

Please check with your insurance.

Route de La-Chapelle 29C
1212 Grand-Lancy ( Switzerland)

Centre médical de La Chapelle
Chemin de Compostelle 7
1212 Lancy ( Switzerland)